

 We have an experienced team of experts and specialists working day and night to assist patients fight cancer by providing an extended range of services for treatment and after care. Onco surgeons are especially trained and skilled professionals who work in close collaboration with oncologists, radiologists, and other specialists to provide multidisciplinary care to cancer patients. One of the primary goals of onco surgery is to remove cancerous tumors and affected tissues from the body. Onco surgeons use precise surgical techniques to excise tumors, assess lymph nodes for cancer spread, and make sure that the cancer is entirely removed. This approach is crucial in the treatment of localised or locally advanced cancers and may be part of a curative treatment plan. Onco surgery encompasses various surgical interventions tailored to the type, stage, and location of the cancer. These procedures can range from minimally invasive surgeries, such as laparoscopic or robotic-assisted surgeries, to complex open surgeries for tumor resection. Onco surgeons also perform reconstructive surgeries to restore function and appearance after tumor removal, such as breast reconstruction following mastectomy.

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